Legal warning
Legal warning
In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the company José María Bou, S.L. (henceforth Chufas Bou) as the owner of the domain (all rights reserved) puts at your disposal the following information:
Business name: José María Bou, S.L.
CIF: B46871083 Address: Carretera Barcelona, 48 · 46530 · Puzol (Valencia, España)
Phone: (+34) 961 465 859
Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia:
Volume 3013, Book 329, Folio 20, Page V-4755
NOTE: Eventhough the translation of the legal warning is provided by the company the only official document is the Spanish version.
1. Conditions of Use
Chufas Bou owns all the information included in the domain, in order to inform about the services and products of the company, also reserves the right to expand, modify or delete content from the web without prior notice to the user.
Access to this portal is free and each person who accesses this website, assumes the role of “user”, who accepts these Terms of Use and agrees to make responsible and appropriate use of the contents and services, in addition to information truthful and licita that can contribute to Chufas Bou.
If the user does not agree with these Terms of Use, you must stop using this website.
2. Data Protection
In order to provide a service, José María Bou, S.L. collects certain personal information of our customers that the same user provides us by filling in the forms found on the web, arranged according to Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, so that the commercial conversations maintained between the company and the user will always be with the prior consent of the latter.
Also, Chufas Bou complies with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, so that the data provided by the user is collected in a file owned by the company in order to provide a service, offer new products, services or offers, answer any query made on a form or any communication of interest to the user.
The data provided will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. The user has the right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of their personal data, by contacting José María Bou, S.L., Carretera Barcelona, 48, 46530 Puzol (Valencia, Spain) or by writing an email to
The information requested by Chufas Bou on the web is necessary, both for the proper functioning of the website and to manage the requests of users, so if the user does not provide or provides erroneous or falsa data, the company can not provide an adequate service.
For more information, you can read our Privacy Policy.
3. Intellectual and Industrial Property
As provided in article 8 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, Chufas Bou is the sole owner of all the contents of this website as well as the images, videos, texts, ebooks, brands or typographies, of their own creation or transferred under the license of third parties from which their relevant exploitation rights have been acquired.
The user can only access and view the contents of the website while it is for personal and private use.
It is totally forbidden the total or partial reproduction, distribution, use, or commercialisation of the contents of this site without the prior written authorization of Chufas Bou. As stated in Article 32.1 of the same Regulation, the use of certain information of interest included in this web page is permitted, provided that it is for educational or scientific dissemination purposes and Chufas Bou is cited as the original source..
The mentions made in the form of a review or press appearances will have the same consideration as the appointment, and the company must also be consulted beforehand.
4. Responsibility
Chufas Bou is not responsible for the contents and information that have been introduced by third parties outside the company on this website.
This web page may contain links to other websites of interest to the user. If the user decides to click on the link and leaves the Chufas Bou portal, the company is not responsible for the protection of your data on external links to our domain.
Chufas Bou reserves the right to immediate withdrawal and even blocking of the user, if it introduces or shares content that may affect or breach national or international legislation, damage to morals, rights of third parties and public order, putting on notice to the competent authorities about the problem in question.
It is totally forbidden the introduction of viruses or malicious elements on the website of Chufas Bou by third parties, which may damage in some way the usability and operation of the web or computer systems, both the company and users, of which, Chufas Bou will not be held responsible.
The web page is reviewed and constantly tested by Chufas Bou for its correct operation. The company is not responsible for problems or circumstances that make it impossible to access the website correctly.
5. Cookies Policy
Chufas Bou uses cookies of statistical information in order to study the usability of the website and never to collect personal information from the user. For more information you can read our Cookies Policy.
6. Jurisdiction
In order to resolve all the litigious issues that have occurred on this website of Chufas Bou, the Spanish legislation will be applicable, being the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia the resolution of the derived conflicts.
With this, the user acknowledges that he has understood this information and accepts the Terms of Use of the website of Chufas Bou.