If we can come up with one good thing about last year's close down, is that many of us began to take up an interest in cooking and baking. So that we do not lose this great new habit, we bring you a new ebook, with four sweet recipes made with our organic valencian tiger [...]
Chufas Bou presents ChufaCream, its new spreadable cream made 100% with organic Valencian tiger nuts that allows you to enjoy the properties of the Valencian superfood in a different way. ChufaCream is ideal to spread on toasts for healthy breakfasts and quick bites, but also as an ingredient in pastry recipes such as puddings, cakes, [...]
Why should we include superfoods in our daily diet? Why are they considered "superfoods"? In this ebook we collect the nutritional benefits of five superfoods that are transforming the food industry and why. Find out why we can consider organic Valencian tiger nut as a superfood and what are the possibilities of preparing recipes with [...]
Five ways to enjoy Valencian tiger nuts Before buying tiger nuts or the different tiger nuts products we offer, you must be very clear about what type of recipe you want to make, or how do you want to consume it, and thus choose the one that best suits your needs. It is important to [...]
In this ebook we prepare four simple recipes made with our organic concentrate tiger nut milk, which gives the preparation the perfect touch of sweetness without using added sugars. It also adapts to all diets and intolerances, is 100% vegan and doesn't contains gluten nor lactose. hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "4792374", formId: "208b8237-6633-42dd-899a-41ecc7952c32" });
With our goal to continue enjoying the benefits of our best-quality horchata (tiger nut milk), we’ve introduced one of our latest products. It is our very own concentrated tiger nut milk which is organic and pasteurized, that you can definitely enjoy within the four corners of your home. We make sure that our concentrated tiger [...]
In previous posts we have focused on the importance of including tiger nuts in your daily diet to benefit from its many properties: fibre, minerals, vitamins, etc. We have tried to inspire you with all the possible ways this can be done, from the traditional horchata beverage to cooking and baking with tiger nut flour. [...]
One more year we have packed our bags and we have come to Nuremberg (Germany) from where we wrote to you! As you know, we want to give the organic Valencian tiger nut the place it deserves, so we return to participate in Biofach, world’s leading trade fair for organic food, from today unitl next [...]